A function to combine forecasts out-of-sample. Methods available include: uniform weights, median forecast, trimmed (winsorized) mean, n-best, ridge regression, lasso regression, elastic net, peLASSO, random forest, tree-based gradient boosting machine, and single-layer neural network. The function will take in a data frame of forecasts, observed values (named 'observed', when the method requires it), and the observation date (i.e. the foretasted date, named 'date'), while outputting a data frame with a date column and one column per combination method selected.
forecast_combine( Data, method = "unform", n.max = NULL, rolling.window = NA, trim = c(0.5, 0.95), = 1, parallel.dates = NULL )
Data | data.frame: data frame of forecasted values to combine, assumes 'date' and 'observed' columns, but `observed' is not necessary for all methods |
method | string or vector: the method to use; 'uniform', 'median', 'trimmed.mean', '', 'peLasso', 'lasso', 'ridge', 'elastic', 'RF', 'GBM', 'NN' |
n.max | int: maximum number of forecasts to select |
rolling.window | int: size of rolling window to evaluate forecast error over, use entire period if NA |
trim | numeric: a two element vector with the winsorizing bounds for the trimmed mean method; c(min, max) | | int: the number of periods to use in the first model estimation |
parallel.dates | int: the number of cores available for parallel estimation |
data.frame with a date column and one column per forecast method selected
if (FALSE) { forecast_combine( forecasts, method = c('uniform','median','trimmed.mean', '','lasso','peLasso','RF'), = 5, n.max = 2)}