Off-The-Shelf ML Training

OOS provides users with access to several machine learning forecasting methods. Along with this access, OOS comes with pre-defined machine learning training routines so that practitioners may simply pick up the package and hit the ground running.

Machine learning parameter estimation is facilitated with the caret package. As a result, all machine learning training can be controlled through a unified format, which OOS conveniently presented through a series of “control.panel” lists. That is, when one trains machine learning method via OOS, they first instantiating a training control panel (e.g. and forecast_combinations.control_panel), list with elements:

  1. caret.engine: name of caret recognized method
  2. tuning.grids: data.frame grid of hyperparameters for training caret recognized methods
  3. control: list or arguments defining the parameter estimation routine
  4. accuracy: regression loss function to minimize during learning

and these control panels in turn direct the actual machine learning training within the OOS forecast methods.

The remainder of this article will outline the default details of machine learning training in OOS, while documentation and examples of editing machine learning control panels in OOS may be found in the Model Customization and Control vignette.

1. Default machine learning methods

First, control panels hold a list of caret recognized method which may used by default in OOS. The following code snippet shows the caret.engine list created within OOS control panels:

 # caret names
  caret.engine = list(
    ols = 'lm',
    ridge = 'glmnet',
    lasso = 'glmnet',
    elastic = 'glmnet',
    RF = 'rf',
    GBM = 'gbm',
    NN = 'avNNet',
    pls = 'pls',
    pcr = 'pcr'

2. Parameter estimation methods

Second, control panels define the parameter estimation method used to create the actual forecasting models.


By default, forecast_multivariate uses the timeslice cross validation technique, designed specifically for time series forecasting. However, if the argument rolling.window is NULL in, then 5-fold cross validation will be used. This latter behavior will only occur if a user manually instantiates the control panel and then does not edit the control element.

The following code snippet shows the training control object created within

  # hyper-parameter selection routine
    control =
        method = "timeslice",
        horizon = horizon,
        initialWindow = rolling.window,
        allowParallel = TRUE)
  }else if(!is.null(rolling.window)){
    control =
        method = "timeslice",
        horizon = horizon,
        initialWindow = 5,
        allowParallel = TRUE)
    control =
        method = "cv",
        number = 5,
        allowParallel = TRUE)



In comparison, by default the forecast_combine uses 5-fold cross validation to estimate and select model parameters.

Note that the partial egalitarian lasso is not sourced from caret and uses the default cross validation imposed in the glmnet package.

The following code snippet shows the training control object created within instantiate.forecast_combinations.control_panel():

  # hyper-parameter selection routine
  control =
      method = "cv",
      number = 5,
      allowParallel = TRUE)

3. Hyperparameters

Third, within training routines, models are estimated over a grid of potential hyperparameters. OOS attempts to use standard off-the-shelf training parameters when available, for example, in the case of the random forest and LASSO regression. However, this also means that the number of covariates must be passed to control panel instantiation, lest naive hyperparameters will be used (the number of covariates will always be used when the control panels are created inside forecast_multivariate or forecast_combine).

The following tuning grids are used in both forecast_multivariate and forecast_combine when training machine learning techniques:

 # tuning grids
  tuning.grids = list(

    ols = NULL,

    ridge = expand.grid(
      alpha = 0,
      lambda = 10^seq(-3, 3, length = 100)),

    lasso = expand.grid(
      alpha = 1,
      lambda = 10^seq(-3, 3, length = 100)),

    elastic = NULL,

    GBM =
        n.minobsinnode = c(1),
        shrinkage = c(.1,.01),
        n.trees = c(100, 250, 500),
        interaction.depth = c(1,2,5)),

    RF =
        mtry = c(1:4)),

    NN =
        size = seq(2,10,5),
        decay = c(.01,.001),
        bag = c(100, 250, 500)),

    pls =
        ncomp = c(1:5)),

    pcr =
        ncomp = c(1:5))


 # tuning grids if # of features is available
    tuning.grids[['RF']] =
        mtry = covariates/3)

    tuning.grids[['NN']] =
        size = c(covariates, 2*covariates, 3*covariates),
        decay = c(.01,.001),
        bag = c(20, 100))


4. Accuracy

Lastly, by default, OOS will use the root mean squared error (RMSE) loss function to train machine learning method, as it is a reasonable compromise between emphasizing and de-emphasizing outliers.